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    We desire to see the lost come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, to help them to become more like Him, and to equip them to carry the good news of the gospel to others.  We believe that God has called us to reach the lost of East Windsor,  surrounding communities, and the world with the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

    Toward this goal of seeing God glorified and the Great Commission fulfilled, we work to establish churches in the USA and abroad, support Camp Northfield and its staff, and support missionaries who serve in foreign lands as teachers, mentors, and church-planters.

    Additionally we disciple new believers in God's Word.  We have a 10-week Bible study that is designed to ground a new believer in the fundamentals of scripture including the assurance of salvation, forgiveness of sin, victorious Christian living, how to pray, and more. This Bible study is designed "For the perfecting [fully grown, mature] of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying [to build spiritually] of the body of Christ" Ephesians 4:12.



The Word of God is for everyone.

There is only ONE living and true God.

The Word of God is true and without error.

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